Every year at this time, I make a pilgrimage to
Shady Hill Gardens to see what's new and to select this year's geraniums. Shady Hill specializes in geraniums and they grow varieties I have yet to see elsewhere; not to mention the selection of unique annuals that I use for hanging basket arrangements. In the still cool days of April, walking into the greenhouse awashed in all colors of pink, purple and white you take a deep breath, smile, and then ask yourself where do I begin. This year was no different. After about an hour of walking around and narrowing down my selections, I still came home with a trunk full of plants ... of course this is an addiction!
This year's geranium winner is 'Maestro Lavender Blue' ... a perfect shade of bluish rose that will line the pots up my back stairs. In addition to Maestro Lavender Blue, I came home with two large papyrus 'King Tut' which promise to get even bigger ... to 5' tall I am told. These are going to be part of a tropical planting in the front pots this year. And then there is a double wave petunia ... new on the scene this year. If this performs like other wave petunias, this will bloom it's heart out all summer and make for stunning displays in the hanging baskets.
Have a favorite geranium? Let me know, I'm always on the lookout for something new.
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